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Have you ever read a Bible verse that you have seen dozens of times before, and then 💡 you suddenly see the words in a whole new light? Before, the same Scripture was more like an inspirational quote or a complex riddle. Now, suddenly, its meaning is clear and you feel transformation with every word. This is divine revelation. God takes His cosmic spotlight and shines it on the seemingly ordinary Sunday-school lessons of old. Just like that, you can see what was there all along. This is a lightbulb moment.
Lightbulb Moments Start in the Dark
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path (Psalm 119:105).
I can remember a season in my life where I felt particularly alone and without purpose. I tried to heal my loneliness with my marriage, my children, my friendships, and so much prayer. Nothing seemed to touch the deep ache of isolation I felt inside. Then one day I read Psalm 139. It wasn’t the first time I had read it, but it was THE time that I read it.
“…You know everything about me…You see me…You know my thoughts…You encircle me…”
The words, “you encircle me,” wrapped around all the pain I felt. With this simple revelation, I was secure. Safe. Changed. I felt God’s arms holding me and it brought stillness to my quaking insides. All the longing to belong was soothed with the warmth of God’s love and affirmation. It was a healing work that has continued to this day.
In a time where there seemed nothing but darkness, Psalm 139, like a flickering lantern on a cold and dark night, brought divine revelation to make my path clear. It was in darkness that the light of God’s word could make its greatest impact. Lightbulb moments tend to happen when we are disoriented, searching, and yes, despairing. They come when it seems there are no answers and you have exhausted your options. If you find yourself trying to navigate your own darkness, you are perfectly positioned for divine revelation. Hold fast, God desires to give you the revelation you seek.

Divine Revelation is Freely Given
Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God, that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God (1 Corinthians 2:12).
Divine revelation is not exclusive or reserved for the pious and holy. Remember the burning bush and the young fugitive-prince (Moses) in the desert? Talk about a lightbulb moment! Divine revelation is for the likes of you and me. When our hearts are ready to receive, like the sun making a dramatic appearance after being hidden behind storm clouds, God will reveal truth. God gives it freely, as we need it – and as we ask for it. He does not desire that his children stumble around in the dark. God intends divine as an open-handed gift for you. You need only ask.
Lightbulb Moments Require a Light Switch
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened (Mathew 7:7-8).
If God freely gives divine revelation, why do we spend so much of our time foggy, without clarity, and hoping for answers? Perhaps we haven’t actually asked the question yet. I can think of times in my life where I worried so much over a situation, I mistook my fretting for praying. Hadn’t it been on my mind constantly? Hadn’t I given the situation my furrowed-brow, worrisome attention?
If God freely gives divine revelation, why do we spend so much of our time foggy, without clarity, and hoping for answers?
Fear (the root of all worry) is the opposite of prayer. Let’s read that again. Fear is the opposite of prayer. Prayer requires hope for something better, enough hope to activate our faith so we can then bring our worries to God’s capable hands. We must seek before we can find anything. We must pound on the door, before opens to us. And, yes, we must flip the light switch before the lightbulb moment comes on.
Divine Revelation Through the Scriptures
Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures. Luke 24:25
Jesus’ disciples vowed they would follow Him wherever He went. They were continually seeking. At the right time Jesus opened their minds to understand and clarified their purpose. You have access to the same clarify. If you find yourself needing God’s guidance today, I encourage you to prayerfully open the Scriptures. God stands ready to give you a lightbulb moment.
Listen now to a short segment of this meditation from Abide based on Matthew 7:7. Allow God to give you a divine revelation about what it means to ask, seek, and knock.
Give God more opportunity to provide divine revelation by downloading the Abide app. Meditating with our more than 1500 guided meditations can produce lightbulb moments in your life. Use this link for 25% off a premium subscription, giving you access to our entire library of content.
Anna Boneh resides in Nashville, TN with her four daughters and two she-cats. She is a freelance writer and graphic designer, as well as a Literature and Writing teacher for middle- and high-school students.
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