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In our faith journey, we face challenges that stir doubts. The book of Jude provides wisdom on handling these moments, especially when teachings deviate from the gospel truth. Jude emphasizes showing mercy, especially to those grappling with doubts about Jesus.
Jude 1:22 beckons us with these simple words:
“Have mercy on those who doubt.”
Jude 1:22
This call to empathy resonates deeply, inviting us to reflect on our own journeys of faith. There have likely been times when our certainty wavered, moments when the clarity of Jesus’ truth seemed obscured by the fog of worldly narratives. Jude understands this vulnerability and redirects our focus toward contending for the faith “that was once for all delivered to the saints.”
Voices that might lead us astray with words that tickle our itching ears rather than speak to our soul’s deepest need, dot our faith landscape. Jude warns us of the ease with which we can be swayed by such teachings and reminds us of the mercy Christ extended to us in our own moments of doubt. In extending mercy to others, we reflect Christ’s love, acknowledging our shared human frailty and the grace that sustains us.
Negative influences can enter spiritual communities, as Jude warns. Jesus, facing doubt and faith, always responded with grace, letting us know that even a tiny bit of faith holds great power. Encouraging those who doubt requires a heart of gentleness, a spirit that seeks restoration through love and understanding.
Doubt isn’t wrong if we seek truth, embracing God’s guidance. Questions deepen faith, understanding and trust. God’s mercy gives us room for doubt and reveals His enduring love for us.
Lord God, I am grateful for your mercy. I would be long gone if it wasn’t for that. I know my own weakness. Give me grace for others who are weak as well. Help me to seek truth and to turn away from lies, to trust you fully even when I don’t understand. Give me wisdom and ears to hear your voice when I hear the teaching of others so that I may discern the truth from the lies. I love you and I trust you, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Listen now to the short version of this Abide meditation, “Room for Doubt,” based on Jude, verse 22. Let God speak to your heart with kindness toward your questions.
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