A boy walkd in a field at sunset confident in his father's delight in him.

A Father’s Delight: A Daily Meditation 

In moments of spiritual distance, have you ever wondered about your connection with God? Do you feel your heavenly Father’s delight? Sometimes, that question can feel challenging. However, Zephaniah 3:17 offers a reassuring message:

“The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness; He will quiet you by His love; He will exult over you with loud singing.”

Zephaniah 3:17, English Standard Version

These words spoken through the prophet Zephaniah in approximately 630 BC to the people of Israel. This text originally conveyed the Lord’s judgments, joyful blessings, and declarations of salvation, particularly for the faithful in Judah. They serve as a promise of restoration, a removal of judgment and shame. They show a father’s delight.

The timeless nature of this message transcends centuries—it remains relevant across all congregations today. The sentiment expressed toward Israel is mirrored in God’s love for each individual; He has a father’s delight in you as His beloved child. Let this truth resonate deeply within you. Your heavenly Father’s affection and love does not waver. He uniquely designed and created you. His presence is near; His spirit lives in you every moment of every day. 

The same God who orchestrated the universe, encompassing time, space, and every celestial body, extends salvation and healing to you. His involvement doesn’t end after delivering these gifts; He remains intimately present within your life, always at hand. Why? Because He delights in you.

Think about the words “in your midst.” It’s like being in a body of water, completed surrounded. Enveloped.

How do you feel when you hear that God will quiet you with His love? He will make no mention of your past sins. He has every right to mentioned them. But in His presence this is nothing but love. Feel your Father’s delight.

Father God, You are the one who created the depth of the oceans, the strength of the mountains, and the vastness of space. Yet, You see me and know me. As a good father swells with pride at everything from his child’s first steps to their first job interview, so You are pleased with me. And You are proud of me because I am Yours. I am humbled and grateful. I offer and pray this in the name of Jesus, amen.  

Listen now to the short version of this Abide meditation, “A Father’s Delight,” based on Zephaniah 3:17. Let God speak to your heart about how much He delights in you.

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