
God’s Ways: A Daily Meditation 

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Many people struggle with the idea of trusting that God has a specific plan for their future. It’s natural to want control over our own lives and have a clear understanding of what is to come. But the truth is, before we were even formed in the womb, God had already designed a purpose for each of us.  According to His glory, He gave you a purpose that no one else could accomplish quite like you. God’s ways are amazing.

Isaiah 55:8-9 says: 

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” 

Isaiah 55:8-9, English Standard Version

This can be a challenging concept to grasp, especially when we face hardships or uncertainties in life. 

In order to understand God’s plan for our lives, it is necessary to seek His will and walk in faithfulness. This requires surrendering our own desires and trusting that He knows what is best for us. When we fully trust in God’s ways, we can find peace and comfort in knowing that He will work everything out for our good, even if it may not make sense to us at the time. 

But how do we seek God’s thoughts and will? We can do this through prayer and reading Scripture. It takes diligence and effort on our part to truly seek after God and understand His plans for us. 

Holy God, forgive me for doubting Your good, pleasing, and perfect will. Lord, I sometimes struggle to believe that You have a specific plan for my life. I want to trust You for my future and know that You are leading me according to Your will. Please help me to trust you more and more, for in You I put my hope. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Now listen to the short version of this Abide meditation, “God’s Ways,” based on Isaiah 55:8-9.

God’s ultimate purpose for each person is to give them a future and hope through Jesus Christ. Without Him, there is no true hope or purpose. So trust in His ways, even when they may seem difficult or confusing. 

To go deeper with God on this verse, listen to the full-length version on the Abide app. When you download the app and start a premium subscription, you gain access to our entire library of content. Use this link for 25% off.