Shadows of tree branches show through a gauzy curtain over a window showing the importance of having sharp ears and soft hearts to hear God's voice.

Sharp Ears, Soft Hearts: A Daily Meditation

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In today’s busy world, learning to listen to God requires intentionality and practice. With numerous distractions and competing voices vying for our attention, it’s crucial to foster both sharp ears and a soft heart. We must make a concerted effort to quiet these noises and attune ourselves to God’s guidance. The letter to the Hebrews reminds us that this struggle has been present throughout history. Just as the Israelites spent 40 years in the desert due to their disobedience, we too face challenges in heeding God’s direction.

Hebrews 3:15 highlights this:

“As it is said, ‘Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.’”

Hebrews 3:15, English Standard Version

True listening involves not just auditory perception, but also a receptive heart willing to comply with God’s will. The constancy of God’s love and unwavering faithfulness are refreshing and new with each dawn.

A sharp ear allows us to catch God’s subtle whispers, while a soft heart ensures we are receptive and open to whatever guidance we receive. It’s a delicate balance; without sharp ears, we might miss important directions, and without a soft heart, we might resist the path laid out for us.

Consider a potter at her wheel, shaping and molding clay with expert precision and care. She might create a vase, a cup, or a bowl, each form emerging from her skilled hands. Envision yourself as this piece of clay in God’s hands. What will you become under His guidance? While wet clay can be molded into various shapes, hardened clay resists change, regardless of the potter’s expertise.

With God, however, there is always the possibility for renewal and transformation, no matter how resistant we may have become. By actively seeking to listen and humbling ourselves before God, we develop sharp ears to hear His voice and a soft heart to accept His will. Just as clay benefits from the potter’s touch, so too do we benefit from being malleable in God’s hands.

Heavenly Father, I know You’re always speaking to me. You speak through the created world, through people, through Scripture, and through the Holy Spirit. Teach me to listen. And soften my heart so that as I listen, I will also be willing to obey. I don’t want to wander in the wilderness without You. I want to have sharp ears and a soft heart. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Listen now to the short version of this Abide meditation, “Sharp Ears, Soft Hearts,” based on Hebrews 3:15. Let God speak to you about the sharpness of your ears and the softness of your heart.

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