New mom gets some sleep recovery with her newborn baby

Sleep Recovery: Helping New Moms Fall Back Asleep to Scripture  

Having trouble getting a good night’s sleep? Download Abide for Christian sleep meditations that use calming techniques and Scripture verses framed in calming stories to lull you into a peaceful slumber.

Being a new mom comes with so many blessings, from little hands squeezing our fingers to first giggles that warm our hearts. Yet this time of joyful first moments can still come with stress, uncertainty, and, unfortunately, lack of sleep. Babies don’t always sleep on your schedule, so there will be plenty of interrupted nights and way too early mornings. These interruptions can affect your personal, professional, and spiritual life. Thankfully, there are ways to focus on your sleep recovery and get some much-needed rest during this special but tiring time. 

What is Sleep Recovery?

Sleep recovery is when you regain restful and restorative sleep after dealing with some disrupted sleep patterns. As a new mom, your usual sleep habits could be interrupted by late-night feedings, diaper changes, and soothing your crying newborn. These disruptions might leave you feeling exhausted, irritable, and unable to function at your best. Sleep recovery involves intentionally setting aside time to catch up on sleep and restore this vital part of your body processes. 

Why Is It Important for New Moms?  

For you as a new mom, how often does it feel like time is rushing by? Between your previous responsibilities and the new ones, you might have difficulty remembering to stop and enjoy the present moment with your new child. You also might put off your own well-being, thinking that you’ll get enough rest eventually.  

The reality is, without proper sleep, your body and mind will suffer. It makes it harder to enjoy this precious time with your newborn. Quality sleep is crucial for overall well-being, whether that is in your personal life, professional life, or faith life. As a new mom, you might find sleep recovery helps restore your energy. It promotes physical healing, enhances your cognitive function, and brings you more emotional balance.  

Sleep recovery allows new moms to not only rest their bodies but also recharge their minds and emotions. By making sleep a priority in your life, you will feel more focused, present, and capable as you care for your new bundle of joy. 

A new mom cuddles with her newborn baby as she learns the importance of sleep recovery.

Sleep Recovery and Your Faith Life  

It may be surprising to hear, but sleep is not just a vital part of your physical life—it’s a vital part of your spiritual life as well.   

Adequate sleep allows for deeper and more focused prayer and meditation. It enhances your mental clarity, making it easier to understand and reflect upon Scripture. Good sleep supports emotional health, helping us to be more patient, compassionate, and forgiving in our daily interactions. It can also bring you a sense of inner peace and make it easier to discern God’s guidance to make wise, faith-informed decisions.  

The heart of the matter is this: how can you focus on your faith life if you are struggling to focus on yourself in general? 

As a new mom, you may find yourself putting spiritual life on the back burner. You may even feel guilty for not devoting more time and energy to it. Between the sleepless nights and exhausting days, you may even feel yourself drifting further away from your connection with God. By prioritizing your sleep recovery, you are taking care of both your physical and spiritual well-being.  

7 Sleep Recovery Tips for New Moms  

  1. Try to Establish a Routine: The idea of creating a consistent routine may seem at odds with the ups and downs of a newborn, but even small steps can help. Set a bedtime for both you and your baby and try to stick to it as much as possible. This will help regulate your body’s internal clock and make it easier to fall asleep when you have the opportunity. 
  1. Listen to Sleep Stories: Are you looking for some inspiration and hope before bedtime? The Abide app has new sleep stories every week that can provide you with a peaceful and positive mindset before your head hits the pillow.  
  1. Embrace the Nap: As a new mom, napping may seem like an impossible luxury. But it can be a lifesaver during those long days and nights. Try to take short naps whenever your baby is sleeping, even if it’s just for 20 minutes. 
  1. Create a Soothing Sleep Environment: Make your bedroom a sanctuary for sleep by keeping it dark, quiet, and cool. Consider using soundscapes in the Abide app to drown out disturbances and hanging blackout curtains to block light. 
  1. Limit Caffeine and Sugar: While it might be tempting to rely on caffeinated drinks or sweet treats to stay awake, these can interfere with your ability to fall asleep when you finally have the opportunity. Try to limit that coffee and those sugary snacks, especially in the afternoon and evening. 
  1. Use Christian Meditation:  In the moments that you do have to yourself, consider incorporating Christian meditation into your routine. The Abide app offers guided meditations that use Scripture to ease your anxiety. They also help you grow spiritually and bring a sense of peace before drifting off to sleep. 
  1. Seek Out Support: Don’t be afraid to ask for help from your partner, family, or friends. Having extra hands to assist with feeding, diaper changes, and other tasks can provide you with more opportunities to rest. 

Listen to a short sample of an Abide sleep story to get an idea of how audio sleep meditations can help you fall back asleep to God’s Word.

For more content like this, download the Abide app. We have more than 400 Bible-based sleep stories to help you fall asleep—and fall back asleep peacefully. Use this link for 25% off a premium subscription.

Kaylin has written for Guideposts for 6 years and seen firsthand the healing power of storytelling.