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Life’s relentless pace can often leave us feeling disconnected and weary. In the midst of our struggles and busyness, we sometimes forget the profound impact of Jesus’ touch. His touch is not just a fleeting gesture but a powerful, life-changing encounter that brings healing, comfort, and renewed purpose. When we open ourselves to being touched by Jesus, we experience a divine connection that transforms our hearts and minds, reminding us of His constant presence and boundless love.
There are studies showing that touch signals safety and trust; it soothes. A basic warm touch can calm your body and get rid of stress. Matthew 8:3 gives us a poignant example. It says:
“Jesus reached out and touched him. ‘I am willing,’ he said. ‘Be healed!’ And instantly the leprosy disappeared.”
Matthew 8:3, New Living Translation
The man with leprosy found Jesus’ touch to be vital as no one ever wanted to even be near him. Likewise, we need the gentle touch of other people, who are Jesus’ hands and feet.
Just as Jesus did, we can show love and compassion with our touch. All four gospels present Jesus’ touch as all-powerful over sickness and death. Jesus’ touch cured people of various infirmities and restored life to the dead.
But Jesus didn’t always touch someone to heal them. Sometimes, they took the step and reached out to touch Him. By touching the leper, Jesus would have technically made Himself unclean, according to Jewish law, yet He knew that was exactly what the man needed.
Michelangelo’s painted ceiling in the Sistine chapel depicts stories from the Bible. The most famous of those paintings portrays God reaching out to touch humanity at the point of our needs. God initiated the contact, sending Jesus to transform our lives.
Jesus, You said that all who are burdened should come to You. Help me in knowing what a physical touch from You would feel like. I want to feel Your touch so my heart can love others like You love them. Give me a sense of Your physical touch and show me Your vision so that my mouth may always declare Your wonders. Show me how to reach out to others in need. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Listen now to the short version of this Abide meditation, “Touched by Jesus,” based on Matthew 8:3. Let God speak to your heart about the power of His touch.
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