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Like sheep in the care of a shepherd, we thrive best when we surrender control and rest in God’s gentle care. When we recognize Christ as Sovereign King, we unite in worship, seeing fellow believers as brothers and sisters in Christ. Worshipping together allows us to celebrate the wonder of life with God.
Psalm 95:6 encourages us:
“Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the LORD, our Maker!”
Psalm 95:6, English Standard Version
An army fights better with a common leader, and a kitchen runs smoother with one chef. Similarly, the church glorifies God to the fullest when everyone submits to God alone as the head. The triune God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—serves as the greatest example of mutual submission and complete unity. Bowing before the Lord, worshipping together in unity with other believers is an act of submission vital to showing the world His love.
Picture a flock of sheep—hundreds of them, not striving against each other for the shepherd’s favor, but together following his voice, lying down in green pastures, grazing beside still waters. Together, they do not worry about what they will eat or drink. They are led by the shepherd, fed and watered, and sheared in season. This dependence on the shepherd brings them joy and freedom.
The sixteenth-century Reformer Teresa of Avila once said that when we surrender our false self—the self that wants to be in control instead of God—we find rest, “nestled inside his greatness like the silkworm in her cocoon.”
In unity and submission, by worshipping together, we experience the true freedom and rest that come from trusting our Shepherd. When we stop striving to control our lives and instead bow down and worship God, we find ourselves embraced by His endless love. We can rest in His greatness, knowing He will provide for all our needs.
Loving God, it breaks my heart when I realize how much unnecessary pain I’ve caused myself and others, trying to be something I was never meant to be, carrying burdens You have promised to carry for me. Help me to live this day nestled in Your endless love. I bow down and worship You, my great God and Creator. I fix my eyes on You. Don’t let me look to the right or to the left to see what others are doing around me. Let us just all worship You together in great joy. It’s in the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.
Listen now to the short version of this Abide meditation, “Worshipping Together,” based on Psalm 95:6. Let God encourage your heart to worship the Lord together with other followers of Jesus.
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