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A living person shouldn’t live in a coffin, right? We’d think that’s just ridiculous. But don’t we sometimes live like that? Defeated, beaten down, hopeless? Maybe we don’t feel alive in Christ at all some days.
When Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, one of the first things he did was tell the people to take off Lazarus’s grave clothes. John 11:43-44 in the New Living Translation says, “Then Jesus shouted, “Lazarus, come out!” And the dead man came out, his hands and feet bound in graveclothes, his face wrapped in a headcloth. Jesus told them, ‘Unwrap him and let him go!’”
Pray with me this morning prayer about being alive in Christ.

Lord, As I wake up to start a new day, I am grateful for the gift of life that you have given me. I am thankful for the opportunity to live and breathe, and most of all, I am thankful for the hope that I have in Christ.
Father God, you have brought me out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of your precious Son who is light. I don’t want to dwell in darkness anymore. Thank you for making me alive in Christ.
When I head back toward my grave, Lord, stand at the entrance and remind me that I don’t belong here anymore. I was once dead in my sins, but now I am alive. I have no business going back into that grave. I not only have the promise of eternal life, but I have the promise of abundant life here on Earth. Abundance does not come in a grave.
I am grateful that even through grief, storms, trials, whatever comes my way, that you are with me. You comfort me, you strengthen me, you give me hope. Dead people have no hope. You didn’t come to make bad people good, you came to make dead people live. And I am grateful.
Whatever I face today, Lord, remind me that I am alive. I am clothed in righteousness, not grave clothes. I am a new creation. The old has passed away! Strengthen me to live like one who is truly alive.
I give you all the praise and glory in the matchless name of Jesus. Amen.
Now listen to this short daily devotional from Abide based on John 11:33-34.
Living alive in Christ is more that just the moment you were saved from your sins. It’s an every-day decision to turn your back on the grave from whence you came and walk in fellowship with Christ. The Abide app can help you on that path. With more than 1500 guided meditations, daily devotions like the one above, and more than 300 Bible-based sleep stories, you can stay connected to God and his Word anytime, anywhere.
Download Abide today and get 25% off a premium subscription with this link. As you walk in newness of life today, may God’s grace be evident in all that you do.