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I am a worrier by nature. My mind often goes to the worst case scenario, and it takes a lot of effort to pull it out. I go over and over hard conversations in my head before they happen. I imagine my kids getting in car wrecks whenever they drive anywhere. The list of things to worry about is never ending. It’s wasted energy. That’s why I need this morning prayer to stop worrying! How about you? Pray this prayer based on Matthew 6:31-33 with me.
Matthew 6:31-33: “So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

Dear Lord,
Your Word says that I should not worry about tomorrow because today has enough trouble of its own. It also says that I can’t add one day to my life by worrying. You take care of the birds of the field; you will take care of me.
When my mind starts going down the road of worry, guide me back to your path of peace. Remind me that you are not bound by time. You have been in my past, you are in my present, and you’re already in my future. Whatever I have to walk through, you’re already there. You know it. You are sovereign over it. I have nothing to worry about.
Help me to cast all my cares on you, because I know that you care about me. When my finances are tight, you provide my daily bread. When my heart is heavy, you are my consolation. When my health is precarious, you are the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
Your Word is full of promises about how you sustain me, you lift me up, you provide. Help me to take you at your Word. Your Word is truth.
Thank you for being a good Father. When I ask for bread, you do not give me a stone. You give me exactly what I need. When I turn to worry, remind me of your faithfulness. Your steadfast love endures forever.
I lay all my worries into your capable hands. Help me not to reclaim them. They are yours.
In Jesus, the Prince of Peace I pray. Amen.
Now listen to this short devotional from Abide based on Matthew 6:31-33.
If worry is your constant companion, keep this morning prayer to stop worrying with you throughout the day. To help you fill your mind with God’s Word, download the Abide app. Daily devotionals like the one above, guided meditations, and Bible-based sleep stories will help replace your worry with God’s peace. Get 25% off a premium subscription with this link.