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Scripture often encourages us to ask God for what we want and need. It encourages us to have faith that He will provide for us and fulfill our desires. But sometimes, we may wonder if it’s appropriate to ask God for big things or if it’s selfish to do so.
In John 15:7, Jesus told his disciples:
“If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.”
Fully committing to God and aligning our desires with His will takes top importance. Just like in a marriage if one partner does not fully committed, their actions can hurt the other because they prioritize their own wants over the well-being of the relationship. In the same way, when we ask God for things without considering His will, we may end up causing harm to ourselves or others.
God promises full commitment to us and has great plans for our lives. But how committed are we to Him? Are we willing to let go of our own desires and submit ourselves completely to His will?
The key to receiving what we ask from God is not just blindly asking for whatever comes to mind, but remaining in His presence, united with Him through prayer and reading His Word. When we align our thoughts and feelings with Jesus’, then whatever we ask will be according to His perfect plan for us.
God’s message lives within us—woven into our very being. As believers, it’s important that we take time for deep reflection and confession when necessary. We should also strive to constantly abide in Him rather than just passing through or wandering aimlessly.
Lord, I want to be aligned with You. I want to abide in You. Getting my own way isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. As I spend more time in Your Word, bind me closer to Your heart. I know that You love me and have the best planned for me. Help me to trust You fully as I reside with You. In Your name I pray, amen.
Now listen to the short version of this meditation from Abide, “Ask Big,” based on John 15:7.
In the end, it’s vital that we remember the first part of the verse – abiding in God – before focusing on the second part where we can ask for whatever we desire. As we align ourselves with God and His will, He will grant us the desires of our hearts.
To let God take you deeper into John 15:7, download the Abide app and listen to the full-length version. When you start a premium subscription, you gain access to our entire library of content. Use this link for 25% off.