Rocks on a sandy shore know that contentment is a choice.

Contentment is a Choice: A Daily Meditation 

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In the search for peace, could contentment be the elusive answer? It’s a common struggle to feel dissatisfied with what we have, always yearning for more or something better. The Apostle Paul gives the key to peace-bringing contentment by telling us that contentment is a choice. 

Philippians 4:13 says: 

For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.

Philippians 4:13, New Living Translation

People often take this verse out of context to mean we can do anything we set our mind to with God on our side. But Paul specifically wrote this in the context of choosing contentment no matter what his circumstances. After all, he was in a Roman prison when he wrote it. 

It’s easy to believe we’re content until faced with something we desire. Our attachment to material possessions often reveals our true priorities. Genuine contentment stems from trusting God with everything we have and don’t have, leading to a profound sense of freedom and peace. 

Contentment is a choice and a discipline. It involves training your heart to find solace in God’s peace, rather than worldly desires. This sets us free from the pressure to fit in with society and urges us to find comfort in the arms of Christ instead. 

Reflecting on Jesus’ words in Matthew 6 about the carefree existence of birds and the beauty of lilies, remind us of God’s provision and care. Just as our Creator God nurtures these natural wonders, so He nurtures us. Finding peace in this assurance brings genuine contentment. 

Imagine strolling through a grand palace, marveling at its lavishness. Stepping onto a balcony, you’re serenaded by singing birds nearby. Looking out at the lush fields, you see vibrant wildflowers sway in the breeze, outshining even the palace itself. In this moment, you notice the difference between human-made greatness and God’s creation. The birds and flowers, cared for by their Heavenly Father, teach us about trust and contentment. Embracing this reality can guide us to a deep peace, knowing we’re also under the loving care of the Creator of all beauty. 

Father God, Thank You for Your everlasting peace that allows me to feel true and deep contentment. The freedom that comes from leaning into You and depending on You for all that I have and all that I lack sustains me in peace. Thank you, God. Lead me in Your way. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen. 

Listen now to the short version of this Abide meditation, “Contentment is a Choice,” based on Philippians 4:13. Let God speak to your heart about choosing contentment no matter your circumstances.

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