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In our lives, doubt often finds a way to creep in, touching aspects as varied as our finances, health, relationships, and careers. This uncertainty can feel overwhelming, yet it’s a sentiment that isn’t foreign even to the heroes of our faith. But there is a way to go about dismantling your doubt.
Reflecting on John 20:27, we’re reminded of Thomas, a disciple who harbored doubts about Jesus’ resurrection. Jesus responded to Thomas not with rebuke but with an invitation for belief:
“Then he said to Thomas, ‘Put your finger here, and look at my hands. Put your hand into the wound in my side. Don’t be faithless any longer. Believe!’”
John 20:27, English Standard Version
This powerful moment serves as a beacon of hope for us all. It’s a gentle reminder that Jesus invites us to replace our doubts with faith. He assures us that He is more than capable of handling any situation we lay before Him. Imagine physically handing over your doubts to Jesus and feeling the overwhelming peace and confidence that follow, knowing that the Creator of the universe has taken your burdens into His capable hands.
The Bible is replete with stories of doubt. From the entire nation of Israel to Peter to Gideon who faced an enemy with only a small army of men, people doubted. Each reflect our human tendency to question and seek proof of God’s promises. Yet, each story is also a testament to God’s unwavering grace, mercy, and faithfulness.
In moments of uncertainty, recall these stories. Ask God to bolster your faith. see the proofs of His faithfulness in your own life. By doing so, you prepare yourself to face future challenges not with fear or doubt but with a steadfast belief in God’s provision and protection.
Trust God daily and find peace in His presence, even in the middle of your doubts.
Father God, I thank You so much for always being there for me. You have been so faithful even in those times that I had my doubts. Today I choose to believe in You. Even when all my circumstances feel like they are falling down on top of me, I know You will be there to lift me up and out of there. I believe in You, God. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen
Listen now to the short version of this Abide meditation, “Dismantling Your Doubt,” based on John 20:27. Let God speak to your heart about what to do with your doubts.
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