A hand on an open Bible helps you to know that spending time in God's Word helps you do what is right.

Do What is Right: A Daily Meditation  

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Do you ever feel the desire to please God without clear guidance on how to do so effectively? In ancient times, religious activities like sacrificing animals were common. Present-day religious practices include regularly attending church services and activities or giving financially to a church or to overseas missions. But what truly resonates with God is acting rightly and justly. 

Proverbs 21:3 states it clearly: 

“To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.” 

Proverbs 21:3

God values sincere actions over mere rituals or religious performances. Jesus simplified the 10 Commandments to two things: Love God, love others, emphasizing the significance of genuine love and compassion. It’s about aligning your actions with God’s will, not about earning favor through empty gestures. 

Reflect on areas where you struggle to express love to God and confess these struggles openly. Rather than focusing on outward displays of devotion, consider whether your heart truly aligns with God’s desires. Seek God’s guidance to recognize where your sacrifices may lack sincerity. 

Drawing inspiration from Saul’s story in 1 Samuel 15, understand that obedience surpasses outward displays of worship. God prioritizes heartfelt obedience over superficial acts of piety. Embrace the principles of acting justly, showing mercy, and walking humbly in your daily life. 

Jesus, You healed the sick and gave sight to the blind. You spent time with the lowliest outcasts of society, and You gave life to the dead. Your church in Acts did not set up a grand temple gilded in gold; it was characterized by two simple ideas: Love God, and love others. Help me today to focus outside myself—to see you in the many ways You show Yourself, and to see the needs of other people. Show me how to do what is right and just. In Your Name, Amen. 

Listen to the 2-minute version of this Abide meditation, “Do What is Right” from Proverbs 21:3. To gain access to the full-length, 15-minute version of this meditation, download the Abide app and start a premium subscription. A longer time in meditation on God’s Word will help the verse sink deeper into your heart so that you might not just be a hearer of the word, but a doer as well. Use this link for 25% off.