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I’ll be honest, I don’t usually like what I see when I look in the mirror. I hear all the time that I don’t look my age, but I see the wrinkles and the age spots. The 20 extra pounds (I’m trying. I’m really trying!) and the saggy skin. I don’t see those things when I look at my friends. They’re just beautiful to me. Others tell me, “See yourself as God sees you! The mirror doesn’t tell the truth!” But it’s not that easy, is it?
Seeing yourself as God sees you is transformative. It allows you to embrace your true worth and potential. It enables you to live with confidence, purpose, and a deep sense of value. Understanding God’s perspective can lead to self-acceptance and a profound sense of peace. Embracing this viewpoint can positively impact how you perceive yourself and interact with the world around you. Let’s explore how to change our perspective.
Understand God’s Perspective
God unconditionally loves and accepts us. Despite our flaws and mistakes, God sees us as His beloved children and wants us to have a close relationship with Him. He sees the potential within each of us to do good and make a positive impact in the world. From God’s perspective, we are precious and valued individuals who are worthy of His grace and forgiveness. He views us with compassion and understanding, knowing that we are imperfect beings trying our best to navigate this life. God’s perspective of us is one filled with hope, purpose, and endless opportunities for growth and transformation.
Embrace the Creator’s Vision
It’s all well and good to hear these truths; it’s quite another to really live them. Here are some steps to really see yourself as God sees you.
Step 1: Believe in God’s Unconditional Love
To embrace how God sees you, you must first believe in His unconditional love. This means understanding that no matter what mistakes or flaws you may have, God loves you just the way you are. It’s really a shift in mindset. It’s choosing to take God at His word. First Peter 2:9 says that you are part of a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession. He loves you so much. You can choose to believe it and live like a child of the King of kings, or you can reject it. Ultimately, the choice is yours. But transformation will not happen until you see yourself as God sees you.

Step 2: Renew Your Mind with God’s Word
As believers, it is important to renew our minds with God’s Word daily. This will help us understand our true identity in Christ and how God sees us. Reading Scriptures about our worth and value in His eyes will help reinforce the truth of His love for us. But again, you have to believe it. Take God at His word.
Step 3: Reject Negative Thoughts and Lies
The enemy often tries to fill our minds with negative thoughts and lies about ourselves, but as children of God, we have the power to reject them. Whenever these thoughts come up, replace them with the truth of God’s Word and remind yourself of who you are in Him. Remember how Jesus answered Satan’s temptation in the wilderness: He recited God’s Word.
Step 4: Walk Daily in Faith and Confidence
Embracing how God sees you also means walking daily in faith and confidence in who He has created you to be. By trusting in His plan for your life and knowing that He has a purpose for everything, you can confidently live out your identity as a child of God without fear or doubt.
Shed Your Old Self
Learning to see yourself as God sees you is a process of realizing your true identity and purpose in life. It begins with recognizing the presence of God in your life and surrendering to His will. This surrender allows for a deep introspection and examination of your thoughts, actions, and beliefs.
Through this journey, you can shed your old self, which was influenced by worldly desires, and embrace a new self that reflects God’s love and grace. It involves letting go of negative habits, fears, and insecurities and replacing them with faith, hope, and trust in God.
As the journey progresses, you become more connected to God through prayer, meditation, and studying His Word. This connection provides guidance and strength to overcome challenges and make positive changes in your life.
Ultimately, the transformative journey leads to a deep understanding of your purpose in life as a child of God. It also brings about inner peace, joy, and fulfillment as you begin to see yourself as God sees you. Through this journey, you can live a meaningful life aligned with God’s plan.
For Further Reflection on Seeing Yourself as God Sees You
Short of covering up all the mirrors in my house, I can only continue my journey of learning to see myself as God sees me by using Jesus to see my reflection. He who began a good work in me will bring it to completion, as Philippians 1:6 tells us. It’s not physical attributes like smooth skin and a trim waistline that God looks for in me. He wants to know how much I look like Jesus. And that’s the Holy Spirit’s job to mold in me.
Listen to a short segment of this meditation from Abide that I wrote based on Psalm 103:11-12. Let God speak to your heart about how He sees you.
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Stephanie Reeves is the senior editor for Abide. She and her husband live in Orlando, Fla., as do their three adult children and one adorable grandson.