A man sits on a split rail fence watching as the sun rises over the mountains in distance, Crowsnest Pass, Alberta finally learning how to slow down.

How to Slow Down and Find Lasting Contentment 

Ready to stress less and find peace? Download Abide and add our powerful Christian mindfulness meditations into your wellness routine. Cultivate present-moment awareness and inner peace with Scripture-based practices.

 The definition of contentment is a state of happiness and satisfaction. I should be content. My life is full. I enjoy my online retail business. I achieved my dream of becoming a freelance writer. I’m blessed with amazing grandkids. My husband and I still love each other after forty years. I should feel like a winner in my life, but instead I often feel like I’m lagging. What was missing? I’ll tell you what: I needed to slow down. 

The Tyranny of the Too Fast 

My days go too fast. I never have the satisfaction of completing my daily to-do list. Instead, I lie awake at night thinking of what I didn’t achieve that day while my husband, Don, snores softly, seemingly without a care in the world. During the last six months, I’ve had nightmares. I whimper loud enough to wake Don, who comforts me until the pounding in my heart lessens. I was not content, and my body knew it. 

I used to have contentment. What changed? The answer came to me recently during another night of tossing and turning. I realized there was one thing missing from my to-do list. Time with God. When had I dropped Him from my list? And how would I fit Him back into my busy schedule? How was I going to slow down long enough to be still? 

Prioritizing Your Relationship with God  

Instead of heading straight to my computer the following morning, I settled on my porch swing with a cup of coffee in my hand and my dog, Scooby, in my lap. Usually, when I prayed, I’d quickly thank God and pray for loved ones, then get on with my day. This morning, though, I allowed myself to slow down. To breathe calmly and not worry about the passing minutes.   

 ”God, I want to be content,’ I prayed. “I want to have peace in my life, not chaos. I need Your help.” Then I waited on Him. I recalled this verse. 

But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well  (Matthew 6:33, NIV). 

I certainly hadn’t been seeking God’s kingdom or righteousness first. That needed to change. 

A young Black man sits on his front porch with his open Bible learning to slow down and find lasting contentment as he prays with closed eyes.

Put God first—don’t just put Him on your to-do list. It seems counterintuitive to add to your long list when you already feel overwhelmed, but time spent with God can be the most important time of your day. If you slow down and allot time daily to rest in God’s presence, you can be more centered, more creative, and more productive in your life.  

During my prayer time and meditation on God’s Word, I’ve been led to make changes that actually save me time during the day, reducing my stress. Time with God is so much more productive than time spent worrying about things you can’t change. 

How Learning to Slow Down with God Helps You be Content 

But godliness with contentment is great gain (1 Timothy 6:6, NIV). 

According to one definition of godliness, true godliness means trusting God to provide for our needs while being content with what He supplies.  

That doesn’t mean we wait for God to rain down manna from above while we wander the desert. We still need to do our part to choose contentment. But, during times of disappointment, don’t panic. Remember God’s promise. He will provide.

Listen now to a short segment of this Abide meditation based on 1 Timothy 6:6-10. Let God speak to your heart about how He wants you to slow down and find lasting contentment.  

Let God Set the Pace 

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest”  (Matthew 11:28, NIV). 

Slow down. Take a beat. Life isn’t a race. Winning doesn’t mean you beat somebody else to the finish line. Winning means you achieve lasting contentment in your life by trusting God. On nights when sleep evades you, focus on God’s Word instead of on your overloaded to-do list, and remind yourself that He will give you rest. With His help, you can achieve lasting contentment. 

Kristy Dewberry is a contributing writer for Guideposts and other publications. She lives in Oklahoma City with her husband, her spoiled rotten Shih Tzu, Scooby, and her cranky parrot, Taz.