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In the hustle and bustle of life, it’s easy to let worries and cares overshadow the joy God offers us freely. Yet, the psalmist reminds us that joy in the Lord is not just a suggestion; it is our rightful response to His goodness and grace. There is always a time to dance and praise the Lord:
“Shout for joy in the Lord, O you righteous! Praise befits the upright. Give thanks to the Lord with the lyre; make melody to him with the harp of ten strings! Sing to him a new song; play skillfully on the strings, with loud shouts.”
Psalm 33:1-3, English Standard Version
Consider the image painted by the psalmist: instruments playing, voices lifted in harmony, shouts of praise resounding. It’s a scene of vibrant celebration, an outpouring of gratitude and adoration for the one who is worthy of all honor. As we immerse ourselves in worship, we find our hearts lifted, our spirits renewed, and our burdens lightened.
But what hinders us from experiencing this joy? Perhaps it’s the weight of our circumstances, the trials we face, or the busyness that consumes our days. Yet, even in the midst of challenges, God invites us to lift our voices in praise.
Jonah 2:9 and Hebrews 13:15 remind us of the power of praise. Just as Jonah praised God from the depths of the sea and the author of Hebrews encourages us to offer a sacrifice of praise, we too can find joy in acknowledging God’s goodness and faithfulness.
Imagine yourself in a grand concert, surrounded by fellow believers, each one adding their voice to the symphony of praise. In that moment, there is no room for fear or doubt, only the overwhelming sense of God’s presence and the joy that comes from knowing Him.
So, let us join the chorus of creation in praising our King. Let us sing a new song, filled with joy and gratitude for all that He has done. And as we do, may His joy fill our hearts to overflowing, spilling out into every aspect of our lives.
“Oh Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth! I might not be a world-class musician. I might not have the voice of an angel. But all that I am is Yours, and with every breath I take I want to praise You. You are good, You are sovereign, You are mighty. There is no power on earth that can best You. Thank You for Your love and care for me. Amen.”
Listen now to the short version of this Abide meditation, “Joy: A Time to Dance” based on Psalm 33:1-3. Let God speak to your heart about praising Him at all times.
Let Abide be your daily companion as you seek to believe that it is always a time to dance. Because of what God has done for you, and how much He loves you, you can always praise Him. Our more than 1500 biblical meditations exist to help you do just that. Download the app and start a premium subscription. This will unlock the full-length version of the above meditation and much more. Use this link for 25% off.