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The weight of the world can feel crushing at times. We carry burdens—big and small—that threaten to overwhelm us, leaving us weary and exhausted. But Jesus offers us a simple yet profound invitation: Lay it down.
“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28, English Standard Version
Often, we don’t realize the extent of the burdens we’re carrying until we’re already overwhelmed. Each worry, each responsibility may seem manageable on its own, but together they form a heavy load that weighs us down.
Perhaps you carry the burden of trying to be everything to everyone—the perfect friend, spouse, employee, or church member. But Jesus doesn’t ask us to bear these burdens alone. He simply asks us to come to Him, to lay down our heavy loads at His feet.
In Jesus’ time, many lived under the weight of legalistic teachings and interpretations of the Law. But Jesus offered a different way—a light yoke, free from the burdensome requirements of the religious leaders. His yoke was simple: Love God with all your heart, and love others as yourself. Rest in this truth, and let go of the rest.
So, lay it down—lay down your worries, your fears, your striving for perfection. Surrender control to the Sovereign Christ, who holds all things in His hands. Rest in the assurance that He knows your tomorrows, your next year, your next decade. Trust in His perfect plan and find peace in His presence.
Sovereign Christ, You are Lord of heaven and earth. You sit at the right hand of God, and You know my tomorrow, my next year, my next decade. Everything has been entrusted to You. You are God, so I can stop trying to control everything. I can stop trying to make everything perfect. What a relief! Help me to rest in you. I offer and pray this in the name of Jesus, amen.
Listen now to the short version of this Abide meditation, “Lay it Down,” based on Matthew 11:28. Let God speak to you about you burden and how to lay it down for Him to carry.
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