A woman wearing an orange backpack walks on a bridge in the woods as she thinks about how to let God carry it.

Let God Carry It: A Daily Meditation 

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In moments when the weight of your past feels overwhelming, and you wonder if anyone could truly accept the baggage you carry, there is a reassuring message from God: your burdens are not too heavy for Him. Psalm 68:19 beautifully illustrates this divine promise:

“Praise the Lord; praise God our savior! For each day he carries us in his arms.” Interlude

Psalm 68:19, New Living Translation

No matter how deep your struggles and scars are, God remains unafraid. He tenderly lifts you up, tending to your wounds, healing your brokenness, and filling your emptiness. Your past mistakes and imperfections do not hold Him back; He casts your sins away completely, embracing you with unwavering love and grace. 

God does not shy away from your emotional baggage; instead, He takes joy in carrying you through your journey of healing and growth. He is a God of salvation, consistently rescuing us from despair and darkness, never wavering in His care and support. 

Unlike human fickleness, God’s faithfulness endures each day. Just as a child seeks comfort from a trusted adult when tired, you can turn to God without hesitation. He is the eternal parent who willingly carries your burdens, offering solace and strength without reservation. 

Imagine yourself adrift in a small boat on a vast, serene ocean. As baggage accumulates and weighs down your vessel, the ocean whispers, “I will support you; release your burdens to me.” By surrendering your baggage to the boundless depths, your boat regains buoyancy, symbolizing the liberation found in letting go and trusting in higher power. 

God, like the expansive ocean, can accommodate all that you carry. You are never too much for His boundless compassion and understanding. Just as the ocean bears your weight, God wants you to give your burdens to Him, finding solace in His unwavering strength and acceptance. Surrender your baggage to His care, knowing that His love surpasses all limitations and fears. 

Heavenly Father, I rejoice in Your presence. I’m amazed that You, the Creator of all that is, the mighty one who rules and reigns over all the earth, care for me. You are Father to the fatherless and defender of widows—You put the lonely in families and set the prisoners free. You are all that is holy and good. Thank You for caring for me—for carrying me—for helping me to let go of my baggage and rest in You. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.  

Listen now to the short version of this Abide meditation based on Psalm 68:19. Let God speak to your heart about letting Him carry your burdens.

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