Kites fly in a sky with sunset-colored clouds as they show you how to love your enemies by releasing bitterness.

Love Your Enemies: A Daily Meditation  

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It can be difficult to love our family at times, so how can we even begin to love our enemies? In Matthew 5 Jesus challenges us, saying:

“But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven.”

Matthew 5:44-45

This concept may seem impossible, but God call us as followers of Christ to a higher standard—one of love.  

In a world full of violence and hatred, it is easy to hate our enemies. We may feel tempted to respond with animosity toward those who have wronged or hurt us. However, Jesus teaches us a different way—the way of love. He does not ask us to ignore or excuse their actions; rather, he invites us to respond with love even when it is difficult.  

Loving your enemies does not mean you have to like them or agree with their behavior. It means showing them kindness and forgiveness despite what they have done. Of course, this does not apply to abusive relationships that should not be restored. Sometimes the most loving thing we can do is simply pray for those who have hurt us.  

It takes great strength and courage to love your enemies. It requires you to humble yourself and surrender to God’s will. But when you choose to follow Jesus’ commandment and love your enemies, you become true children of God.  

Redeeming God, thank You for a love that’s so vast, so gentle, so persistent, even my sin cannot destroy it. May that give me the confidence to be at peace as I seek to share Your love with the world. And thank You for Your Spirit who equips me to love others, no matter how hard it may seem sometimes. Give me Your eyes to see the hurt behind those who hurt me and the grace to be kind to them, as You have been so kind and gracious to me. Amen. 

Listen now to the short version of this Abide meditation, “Love Your Enemies,” based on Matthew 5:44-45. Let God speak to your heart about how you treat even those you might not love.

Let Abide be your daily companion as you learn how to love your enemies. Our more than 1500 biblical meditations all exist to help you draw closer to God and learn His ways of love. Download the app and start a premium subscription. This will gain you access to our entire library of content. Use this link for 25% off.