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In our walk with God, there are moments when our passion flickers, when the fire in our hearts for serving Him dims. Yet, the call in Romans 12:11 is clear: We need to stay on fire for the Lord.
“Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord.”
Romans 12:11, English Standard Version
But how do we maintain this fervency? It starts with recognizing that we are not alone in our journey. God has graciously given us His Spirit to empower, guide, and strengthen us. However, it’s up to us to continually surrender to His leading, allowing His fire to burn brightly within us.
Service to the Lord is not a burden to bear alone; it’s a privilege and a joy. When we tap into the power of God’s Spirit and His Word, our service becomes an overflow of His grace and love in our lives. Staying on fire for the Lord can result.
Picture a blazing fire, its flames dancing with intensity and warmth. That’s the kind of fervency God desires from us—a passion that ignites our souls and fuels our every action.
Yet, we must be vigilant. Just as a fire needs fuel to keep burning, our spiritual fervor requires constant nourishment. Through prayer, study of Scripture, and fellowship with other believers, we stoke the flames of our faith, keeping our hearts ablaze for God.
Maybe the thought of maintaining such fervency is exhausting. You feel like a runner stumbling halfway through a race. It’s okay. God’s grace is greater than our failures. He longs to lift us up, to renew our strength, and to set our hearts on fire once again.
So, let the Holy Spirit fan into flame the gift of God within you. Let God help you burn brightly for Him, serving Him with passion and purpose in all that you do. You can stay on fire for the Lord with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Father God, as important as service is, may I never forget that You first desire my heart. Help me connect with You in a more personal way so I may be more obedient in how I serve You. Lord, I pray that You will help me follow in the footsteps of Jesus, where I walk intimately with You. Help me rely on Your Spirit to guide me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
https://abide.comListen now to the short version of the Abide meditation, “On Fire for the Lord,” based on Romans 12:11. Let God speak to your heart about your fervency in your faith.
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