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I’ve prayed in the morning without Scripture and read Scripture in the morning without prayer. But during the past few years, I’ve combined them. Starting the day blending prayer with Scripture can take your morning time with God to a higher level. Just as a morning cup of coffee can energize your body, God’s Word energizes your prayer time.
It makes sense because prayer is how you speak to God, and Scripture is one of the ways God speaks to you. His Word is a source for wisdom, inspiration, comfort, and guidance. Many of our prayers seek the same things; God’s wisdom, inspiration, comfort, and guidance. So, by adding Scripture to your prayer time, it’s as if you are having a conversation with God. You are communicating with Him through your prayers and God is responding through His Word.
For example, this morning I prayed that God would inspire me as I write this article and teach me what His Word says about morning prayers. I had never searched Scripture specifically for that subject, but when I did so, I found a verse I was unfamiliar with: “In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning, I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly” (Psalm 5:3, NIV).
I thank God for such a specific and inspirational response to my prayer. What a beautiful Scripture and reminder that He hears our morning prayers and that we can expect His response.
Scripture can be included before, after, or during your prayers. You may prefer to begin your morning with a book of short inspirational writings or a Bible study guide to center your heart on God before you pray. You may choose to pray first and then search for God’s wisdom and guidance through His Scripture, or you may just pray and add Scripture as you go, whenever God nudges you to do so.

There are many ways of including prayer with Scripture in your time with God in the morning. Below are some suggestions.
Seek Scripture with Prayer as a Source of Wisdom, Comfort, or Clarity
As you pray, whatever your need is, you may realize you don’t know what God says about it in His Word. Search—whatever did we do before Google?—for keywords and phrases to find the Scriptures that pertain to your situation. For example, if you are struggling with anxiety, God’s Word instructs you: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God” (Philippians 4:6-7, NIV). God tells us we should pray with thanksgiving while asking for His help in every situation. His Word gives insight into how and what to pray to overcome your anxiety.
Speak a Scripture on Gratitude Before You Pray
The Word of God contains many verses on gratitude. As shown above in Philippians, thanksgiving should be part of your prayer. Before you pray, begin with a gratitude Scripture such as, “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, NIV). A gratitude Scripture will remind you of all the times God has faithfully answered your prayers in the past. When you take the time to be thankful for what God has done in the past, your faith will be strengthened as you see how God has honored your petitions or prayers for the present and the future.
Memorize Scripture
A few years ago, I began memorizing my favorite Bible verses. It started as a memory exercise, but I find myself using those Scriptures during my prayers. Choose verses that apply to your life and your circumstances. If you need His Word as you pray, but don’t have access to a paper Bible or digital copy, you can still carry Scripture with you, in your memory.
Maybe a need or concern arises, and you don’t have time for your regular prayer time. You feel overwhelmed or exhausted. Even in your car, you can pray for strength and recall Scriptures you have memorized, such as, “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint (Isaiah 40:31). God’s Word can sustain you through whatever you are going through.
Meditate on His Word
To meditate on Scripture simply means to dwell on it. Repeat a verse or passage over and over, chew on it like a cow does her cud. Ruminate. Let God speak to you.
Keep your favorite Scriptures handy so you can access them during prayer. Type or write them in a notebook or journal or put them in your phone. Categorize them in groups, such as Scriptures on healing, strength, anxiety, love, etc. Meditate on them during your time with God to strengthen your prayers, uplift you, and align your prayers with God’s perspective. Joshua 1:8 says, “Keep His Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.”
So, prayer, be it morning, noon, or night, connects you with God. Combining Scripture with prayer benefits you. When you include Scripture before, after, or during your prayer time, God’s Word provides you with the wisdom, inspiration, comfort, and guidance to begin your day.
“God, Let the morning bring me Word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life”
Psalm 143:8, New International Version
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Kristy Dewberry is a contributing writer to Guideposts and other faith-based publications. She feels blessed to share the experiences she’s had in her Christian walk as well as learn from the observations of others.
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