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I watch my grandson on Saturday nights while my son is working as a bartender at a restaurant not far from us. Because my usual bedtime is between 10 and 11 p.m., these late Saturday nights mess with my sleep big time. I often get to bed at 1 a.m. as I wait for my son to pick up my grandson, and then have a hard time falling asleep. Because of that, my energy levels the next day reach only about 75%. Sleep and energy go hand in hand.
Low energy levels affect so many areas of life. Sundays are hard days to be dragging because I often serve on the worship or hospitality team at my church. It’s hard to be at my best when I’m so tired.
Sometimes life circumstances dictate how much sleep we can get. But on a regular basis, getting enough sleep remains the most vital ingredient for better energy, stamina, and motivation.
What Sleep Provides
Better Energy
It should go without saying that sleep replenishes our energy. Adequate sleep allows our bodies to recuperate and rejuvenate, giving us the energy we need to tackle each day with renewed vigor. During sleep, our brains consolidate memories and process information, helping us think more clearly and efficiently when we wake up.
Lack of sleep can lead to fatigue and irritability, making it difficult to fully engage with others and get done what we need to for the day. Psalm 127:2 says, “It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives to his beloved sleep.” God gives us sleep for a reason. He will give us the strength we need and multiply our time when we wisely get enough sleep.
Studies have also shown that people who consistently get enough sleep are at a lower risk for certain health conditions such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Good sleep contributes a massive amount to better health.

Increased Stamina
Sleep is not only essential for better energy, it also plays a crucial role in increasing our stamina. When we get enough rest more often than not, our bodies have the chance to learn that they will regularly get the rest they need. Physical and mental endurance result. When we’re tired, we feel like we can’t face whatever we’re having to face. We need sleep for stamina. The problem will likely still be there in the morning, and we’ll be able to deal with it better when we’re well rested. Proverbs 3:24 reminds us that “when you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.” It reinforces the importance of good sleep for both our physical and mental well-being.
Greater Motivation
Sleep is not just beneficial for our physical health; it also plays a crucial role in our motivation to do even the things we like to do, let alone chores we have to do. Adequate sleep fuels us to tackle the day’s challenges with a clear mind and renewed energy. When we are well-rested, we feel more motivated to take on tasks that may seem daunting when we’re tired. We can approach them with a positive attitude. A good night’s rest allows us to wake up refreshed and ready to face whatever lies ahead.
There will come a day when my now 6-year-old grandson won’t need to stay with us while his dad works. But that day is far in the future. So I need to have strategies ready for those later nights so I can fall asleep more quickly. Here are a few that have helped.
Strategies for Better Sleep
Use Physical Cues to Let Your Body Know It’s Time to Sleep
Lately, I’ve been falling asleep to a soundscape on the Abide app. Every night I play the same sound, letting my body know that it’s time to power down. Even on the later nights, I don’t neglect that habit. My body is getting used to that being its cue.
If You Have to Stay Up Late, Engage in Peaceful Activities
I admit it, I’ve been binging an old TV show on Netflix when I’m up by myself late at night. That could be one reason my sleep was so bad last Saturday. Instead, I could have chosen a book I’m reading or listened to quiet music on my headphones. Enjoying an adult coloring book while I’m listening, or some other handicraft, can keep my mind from engaging so much that it can’t slow down when bedtime arrives. I try not to fall asleep while I’m waiting up, because if I sleep too long, I doom my sleep for the rest of the night.
If you get home late, don’t try to go to sleep immediately. Give your body those physical cues. Read, listen to music, pray. Remind your body that even though the timing is off, there’s still time to sleep well.
If Sleep Still Eludes You, Breathe Deeply and Talk Quietly to God
Even as I had such a hard time falling asleep the other night, I didn’t panic. I listened to the soundscape playing, breathed deeply and regularly, and talked to God. He knew what I needed to do the next morning, and I knew He would enable me to do it, low energy or not. The key is knowing that God knows your need for both sleep and energy, and He will provide. That doesn’t give you carte blanche to willy nilly stay up till all hours knowing you have responsibilities tomorrow. But when circumstances occur beyond your control, give your need for sleep and energy to God.
People often overlook the importance of getting the right amount of sleep, but it affects our energy, stamina, and motivation. Sometimes you can prepare for nights of little sleep—as I have to every Saturday night—but when a long night catches you by surprise, have good habits ready to tap into knowing that God sees you and knows exactly what you need.
Let Abide be your companion as you seek sleep and energy even on short nights. Our more than 400 Bible-based sleep stories all exist to help you get the rest you need. When you download the app and start a premium subscription, you gain access to our entire library of content. Use this link for 25% off. Great sleep is worth it.
Stephanie is the senior editor for Abide. She and her husband live in Orlando, Floridaa., as do their three adult children and one adorable grandson.
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