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In a world where power is usually associated with strength and dominance, the gospel presents a radically different picture. The power of God, as demonstrated through the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, operates on principles of humility, service, and sacrifice. This divine power is a mystery that defies human comprehension, emphasizing vulnerability over force.
Paul’s message to the Romans captures this essence:
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel; it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who has faith, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.”
(Romans 1:16)
In this declaration, Paul highlights the gospel’s countercultural nature, its ability to transcend social status, and its transformative power.
The Incarnation and Resurrection of Jesus exemplify God’s power, which, like yeast in dough, works quietly but relentlessly to bring growth and transformation. This divine power invites believers to let go of worldly misconceptions about strength and to embrace freedom through confession and faith. This perspective shifts focus from worldly accolades to the transformative work of God’s Spirit.
God came to be with us, to dwell with us even in the darkest moments. And that presence is the most powerful gift we could ever imagine. Ask God to reveal His power—the power that raised Jesus from the dead—to you as you meditate on His Word today.
Heavenly Father, You have shown me Your power by seeking and saving those who were lost—including me. Keep me from false ideas about what power means. Keep me from thinking about power the way the world thinks about it. Instead, help me to understand the true power that You showed when You sent Your Son to live, die, and rise again. It’s in His name that I pray: amen.
Now listen to this short segment of the Abide meditation “The Power of God,” based on Romans 1:16. For access to the entire 15-minute meditation that will take you deeper into the verse and give you more time to let the truth about God’s power sink into your heart, download the Abide app and start a premium subscription. Use this link for 25% off.