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Does Jesus offend you? To answer that question requires a deep reflection on how we react to challenges to our traditions or societal preferences. Jesus was a polarizing figure for many. He associated with those deemed sinners and challenged the status quo. This is a significant motif in the teachings of the Bible.
Peter underscores this by portraying Jesus as both invaluable and a source of division:
“Yes, he is very precious to you who believe; and to those who reject him, well—’The same Stone that was rejected by the builders has become the Cornerstone, the most honored and important part of the building.’”
1 Peter 2:7-8, The Living Bible
The reflection prompts us to address our biases and the discomforts that arise when we’re faced with unconventional or unexpected expressions of faith. It encourages us to view Jesus not just as a historical or theological figure, but as the living foundation—a Cornerstone—on which our lives and beliefs rest. Peter’s depiction of Christ as the foundational Rock on which God constructs His church, and believers as living stones, paints a vivid image of unity, strength, and grace throughout time and space.
The passage delves into our inclination to judge or overlook what doesn’t meet our expectations. This prompts a reevaluation of how Jesus, often transcending our usual understanding, operates in people and situations we may have dismissed. This realization leads to enhanced empathy, patience, and a readiness to recognize the divine in unexpected places and faces.
God, I admit it—there are things Jesus did when He was on Earth that probably would have offended me. At least confused me. It’s only by Your grace that I’ve come to know Jesus as the foundation of my faith and my precious Savior. Help me to extend Your grace to the people in my life. To be patient, to listen well. May we all come to know You in surprising ways, and may we together build our lives on You. In Jesus’ name I pray: amen.
Listen now to a short segment of this meditation from Abide, “The Rock of Offense,” based on 1 Peter 2:7-8.
Through this introspective journey, we’re reminded of the transformative power of grace, the value of open-heartedness, and the unifying strength found in building our lives upon the Cornerstone that is Jesus Christ.
Let God take you deeper on the subject of Jesus being a Rock of Offense by downloading the Abide app. You can experience the full-length version of this meditation with a premium subscription. Use this link for 25% off.