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God’s voice is powerful! We see it throughout the Bible. People tremble at the voice of the Lord, not because they are afraid, but because they are awestruck.
Psalm 29:4 highlights the profound power and majesty of God’s voice:
“The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is full of majesty.”
Psalm 29:4
This powerful voice, the very one that commanded the universe into existence, declaring light to pierce through darkness, waters to part from land, that breathed life into sea creatures, plants, and animals, speaks to us today. It reassures us of our identity and status as forgiven, beloved creations, members of a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, and God’s special possession. This designation is not just a title but a call to action—to proclaim the praises of the One who brought us from darkness into His marvelous light, showing us mercy where there was none before.
God’s rule is distinct from earthly kings, characterized not by fear or oppression but by grace, peace, and an open invitation to join the royal family. The response to God’s majestic power isn’t fear but praise, acknowledging His goodness and perfect kingship. This perspective encourages a response of worship and a desire to see how we can glorify God in our lives.
As we acknowledge the immense power and glory of God, we can also recognize His gentle strength and peace given to us through Jesus Christ. This acknowledgement calls us to remain in God’s presence, experiencing His power and goodness increasingly for His glory.
Mighty God, we praise you. Your voice roars like the ocean. It crashes like thunder and strikes like lightning. All creation cries out “glory!” You also show Your power in us—by giving us strength and peace through Your Son, Jesus. As we abide with You, may we experience Your power and goodness more and more, to the praise of Your glory. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Today, actively listen for God’s voice and observe His power at work in your life. He constantly works in the world and within you.
Now listen to the 2-minute version of this Abide meditation, “The Voice of the Lord,” based on Psalm 29:4. Listen to the entire 15-minute version by downloading the Abide app. The longer meditation takes you deeper into the verse and helps you to be still and listen to what God wants to say to you. Once you start a premium subscription, you will have access to this and more than 1500 other daily meditations. Use this link for 25% off.