Having trouble getting a good night’s sleep? Download Abide for Christian sleep meditations that use calming techniques and Scripture verses framed in calming stories to lull you into a peaceful slumber.
I waited anxiously in the doctor’s office, reading health articles on my phone, hoping my name would be called next. Thirty minutes later, I was face to face with my doctor, ready for answers. I was ready for him to give me the key to unlocking serenity so I could sleep.
“How have you been?” he asked, motioning for me to jump up on the examination table.
“Tired, very tired,” I answered.
“Tell me what’s going on.”
“I have no idea,” I sighed. “I have never had problems sleeping, but I really can’t get to sleep.”
The doctor smiled as he listened to my breathing, checked my ears, my throat, and my reflexes, but said nothing.
“I’m going to order some bloodwork,” he said. “But I think I already know what is causing your sleepless nights.”
For the first time in months, I felt hopeful…until he said.
“You’re probably entering menopause, and many women experience sleeplessness in menopause. Besides hot flashes, it’s one of the most common complaints.”

Trying on My Own to Unlock Serenity at Night
A week later, the bloodwork confirmed the doctor’s guess—I was entering menopause, and apparently my body was rebelling. I was a literal hot mess—hot flashes, rollercoaster emotions, and sleepless nights. I began hormone replacement which helped with the hot flashes, but I still couldn’t sleep.
Per doctor’s orders, I upped my magnesium intake; I turned off screens at least an hour before bed; and I greatly decreased my caffeine consumption. Still, I struggled to fall asleep. Next, I bought a weighted blanket and downloaded a sound machine app on my phone. And though the blanket felt nice, and I loved hearing the ocean sounds as I lay in bed, neither helped me fall asleep.
Next, I tried lavender baths, but my dark circles grew darker as my mind continued racing at bedtime. I couldn’t shut it off.
I had tried everything to unlock serenity…except God.
Divine Intervention
Then one night while spending some time with God, reading my Bible, I read James 4:2, and the words hit my heart. The last part of that verse says, “Yet you do not have because you do not ask.”
Not once had I prayed about it. I hadn’t asked for His help unlocking serenity and sleeping. Instead, I had tried to handle it on my own. I don’t know if it was pride that kept me from asking God, or if I just felt guilty asking His help with something far less serious than what others were facing. But right then, I prayed:
“Father God, thank You for speaking to me through Your Word. I’m sorry I waited so long to ask for Your help with my crazy days and sleepless nights, but I am asking now. I need Your peace, Your serenity, Your help. Thank You for giving me Your wisdom in all of this and thank You for loving me so much. Amen.”
Ask, Seek, Find
Here are the very simple steps I took to get started unlocking serenity so I could sleep:
- Ask for God’s help. He’s ready, willing, and able to help you. Remember James 4:2: you have not because you ask not. That was the key to unlocking serenity for me.
- Search the Scriptures for promises to stand on. Here’s the one that really ministered to me. Proverbs 3:24 says, “You can go to bed without fear, you will lie down and sleep soundly.” That was such a needed promise in my life. I said that Scripture out loud as I prepared for bed every single night (I still do!)
- Make a “To Do List” of tasks that need your attention the following day. It wasn’t enough to have those things in my planner, I needed to make an action list and place it on my nightstand. By creating that list, I no longer needed to think about those things as I tried to go to sleep.
More Reflection on Unlocking Serenity
Listen now to a short segment of this sleep story from Abide based on Psalm 24. All Abide’s sleep stories exist to help you sleep deeply nestled by the Word of God.
With God’s help and His direction, my mind quit racing and I slept soundly that very first night, and I’ve been sleeping well ever since. Not only that, but my days have also been less chaotic as I include God in every single aspect of my life. Asking God for His help in unlocking serenity and trusting His promises has brought peace to my crazy life and quieted my heart in the midst of the world’s constant noise. I pray it will do the same for you.
For more help unlocking serenity and sleeping better, check out the Abide app, where our 400+ Bible-based sleep stories all exist to help you experience the peace of Christ and get better rest. Use this link for 25% off a premium subscription, giving you access to all our sleep stories plus much more.
Michelle is a NY Times Best-selling ghostwriter, an inspirational speaker, and the award-winning author of more than 100 books including The Christmas Devotional, Springtime For Your Spirit, Cuddle-Up Prayers, and Love Connects Us All to name a few. Learn more at www.michellemedlockadams.com