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We often chase after things we believe will bring happiness—health, finances, strong relationships. We think these things are our greatest need. But Ephesians 1:7 reminds us:
“In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace.”
Ephesians 1:7, English Standard Version
There’s a bumper sticker you might have seen that says, “He who dies with the most toys wins.” That’s pretty far from the truth, isn’t it? Our greatest need is to have God forgive our sins. Health, wealth, and relationships won’t matter if you face eternity without forgiveness. If you’re unsure of God’s forgiveness, ask Him for it now through faith in Jesus. If you believe you are forgiven, hold onto that truth. Let it be your anchor.
Quiet your mind and heart. Are anxieties clouding your thoughts? Release them and surrender to God’s embrace. Examine your heart. Are you chasing worldly solutions rather than turning to God? Confess this to Him and seek cleansing.
In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul encouraged them to grow closer to God. Consider your own relationship with Him. Has anything taken precedence over your love for Him? Come before Him in honesty and repentance.
This isn’t just about acknowledging your need for forgiveness; it’s about living in the freedom forgiveness brings. Let the truth and freedom of the gospel guide you on your faith journey.
Dear forgiving God. Thank You for the gospel, the reality of the death, burial, and Resurrection of Your Son that gives us forgiveness and a promise of eternal life. Let nothing in my life today be more important than the truth that in You I have redemption. I have deliverance. I have salvation through the blood of Your Son. Remind me every moment of every day of Jesus and the gospel. And it is in His name that I pray, amen.
Listen now to the short version of this Abide meditation, “Your Greatest Need,” based on Ephesians 1:7. Let God speak to you about your need for forgiveness.
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