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More than 30 years ago, my husband and I moved from California to Florida, leaving all of my family behind. We worked at the headquarters of an international missions agency that made the decision to relocate the headquarters. If we wanted to keep doing what we felt God wanted us to do, we had to make a big sacrifice. I hope this morning prayer about making sacrifices will help you be at peace with whatever God calls you to leave behind.

“The young man replied, ‘I’ve kept all these. What am I still missing?’” (Matthew 19:20, Common English Bible.)
Jesus, I have never regretted following you, but I admit that sometimes, the things I have to leave behind in order to do so have been hard. But you have promised that everyone who leaves anything behind will be given back a hundredfold. It might not make sense in the world’s economy, but I know that it does in yours.
So help my heart, Lord. When I feel sad about being called away from something I love, remind me that you came to give me life, and life abundant. Help me to see a glimpse of the hundredfold. I know that it takes faith. Faith that you are good and when I ask for bread, you will not give me a stone.
When I don’t understand, remind me that you love me. When I want to hold on, help me to release whatever I’m holding and take your hand instead. When I look back over my shoulder at what is left behind, take my face gently between your hands and look into my eyes. Remind me of your goodness and your grace in my life.
I love you, Lord. I don’t want to turn back. Thank you for understanding my heart, for letting me grieve my losses, and then showing me that you have a better future for me. Whatever sacrifices I may make will be as nothing in light of eternal life.
I thank you and praise you in Jesus’s name. Amen.
Now listen to this short devotional from Abide based on Matthew 19:20.
Following Jesus is not always easy, but it is always good. Abide is here to help you in your spiritual journey. Download the app and receive 25% off a premium subscription with this link. We wrote our daily devotionals like the one above, more than 1500 guided Bible meditations, and 300+ sleep stories specifically to help you experience the peace of God.
Keep this morning prayer about making sacrifices with you all day long. When you find yourself mourning something you’ve left behind, or having a hard time letting go of something that’s keeping you from following Jesus, keep these words in your heart. May you experience God’s many blessings as you continue to abide in Christ.
For more morning prayers like this:
- A Morning Prayer About Honoring God
- A Morning Prayer About Being Filled With Jesus
- A Morning Prayer to Follow Jesus