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When my husband and I were going through our 4-year infertility struggle, the Scripture that I clung to was Proverbs 13:12, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life.” It’s hard when you’re hoping for something and you just keep waiting, and waiting, and waiting. But the Apostle Paul had something to say about that to the believers in Rome: “For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope” (Romans 15:4). If your heart is sick with waiting, pray this morning prayer for hope with me.

Loving Father,
I know that you don’t keep me waiting for your answer out of unkindness or spite. You are all loving all the time. When I am waiting, help me to find consolation in your Word. Remind me of all that you have done for me in the past, and of the hope I have in Jesus.
I don’t want to be in a holding pattern while I am waiting on you. I want to grow and learn and thrive. But sometimes, Lord, my tears take over. I know that you see them, but sometimes I just want to cry out with the psalmist, “How long, O Lord?”
Remind me over and over again, Lord, as often as I need to hear it, that even when I don’t feel it, you’re working. When I can’t see it, you’re still there working all things together for my good and your glory. I know this in my head; help me to know it deep down in the very depths of my heart.
Help me not take things into my own hands as I wait for you. I don’t want to be like Abraham and Sarah in those days when they thought they had to make a way for the child you promised them. You redeemed their folly and kept your promise to them, but what a lot of pain their actions caused.
I don’t want that, Lord. I want my hope to be firmly found in you. I have the promise of eternal life through Jesus, and I want that to be enough. I will be grateful for every today that you give me. And it’s in the powerful name of Jesus that I pray—and I hope.
Now listen to this short devotional from Abide based on Romans 15:4.
When hope is hard, find consolation in God’s Word. The Abide app has more than 1500 guided meditations on Scripture, daily devotionals like the one above, and more than 300 Bible-based sleep stories to help you rest in the peace and hope of God. Download the app today using this link, and receive 25% off a premium subscription.
Hold onto hope by praying this morning prayer for hope throughout the day. It’s not just for the morning! God hears you and he loves you.