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I don’t have kids in public schools anymore—my youngest is in college—but there still exists a rhythm to the seasons around me. Summer is winding down and the back-to-school sales dominate the airwaves. So as people across America anticipate the beginning of a new school year, pray with me this morning prayer for new beginnings.
“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness” (Lamentations 3:22-23).

Dear God, as I start a new day remind me of your great faithfulness to me. Every new day is a reminder that you are a God of new beginnings. You redeem, you restore, you resurrect. You invite me into new life every single day.
No matter what yesterday held, no matter what all my yesterdays held, today is a new day. Honestly, I’m tired of trying to make it on my own. I give all my plans, all my distractions, all my successes, and all my failures to you.
Today, Lord, help me start fresh, to wipe the slate clean and begin again. Help me to embrace kindness where yesterday I might not have been so kind. To practice compassion where yesterday I might have cared too little. To advocate for justice where yesterday I might have been silent.
I want to listen with all my heart, offer hope with all my soul, step out in faith with all my being. But most of all I want to be with you. Give me discernment in new seasons to do only but all that you call me to do.
Sometimes starting a new thing in a new season is scary, so thank you for walking before me and beside me. You surround me with your love and your grace. You pick me up and brush me off when I fall, so I need not be afraid. Help me to not rush ahead nor lag behind.
I’m grateful for this new beginning, Lord. Thank you for another opportunity to trust you and make a difference in my world.
In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.
Now listen to the 3-minute version of this Abide meditation based on Lamentations 3:22-23 with Abide narrator James Seawood.
God’s mercy and grace cover us every moment of our lives. If you’re starting something new, or just needing a fresh start to your day, the Abide app can help you stay connected with God. With more than 1500 guided meditations, short daily devotionals, and Bible-based bedtime stories, Abide is your go-to for all-day reminders of God’s mercy in your life. Download the app and sign up for a premium subscription and receive 25% off with this link.
Step into your new beginning with joy, faith, and anticipation for what God will do.