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New Year, new you, right? Gym memberships, sales of exercise equipment, subscriptions to fitness apps all go way up in January every year. This year, I will lose that pesky extra weight. Eat better, exercise more, be kinder to people. New Year’s resolutions can be good motivators but so hard to keep!

What if, instead of resolving to do things that you think you need—like eating better, exercising, etc., which are all good things—you let God work in you to transform you into what He wants you to be? As we pray a prayer for our new year’s resolutions, consider memorizing this verse and asking God to build these characteristics in you:
He has told you, O man, what is good;
Micah 6:8, English Standard Version
and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God?
Dear Lord, it’s a new year, a new beginning, a chance to start fresh. I can’t do that if I’m holding onto my failures of the past. But I know that Your Word repeatedly tells me that You are making all things new, that You aren’t finished with me yet, and that You will work in me for Your good pleasure.
And so, Lord, do Your will in me. Even as I desire to make changes in my life, continually remind me that I am Your workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works. As I resolve to walk with You day by day, moment by moment, You will make the changes in me that You desire.
I know You don’t want me to sit idly by, just expecting things to change in my life, but I can rest in the knowledge that You are supplying my strength. As I abide in You, I will desire more and more to do what You want me to do. Thank You for Your faithfulness to me. Keep redirecting my eyes to You.
Keep giving me opportunities to do justly, love kindness, and walk humbly with You so that others might be drawn to Your light. It’s in Jesus’ name that I pray, amen.
Now listen to a sample of this meditation from Abide about taking that first step from Matthew 14:29.
As you seek to spend more time with God, allowing Him to transform you more and more into the image of His Son, let Abide be your daily companion. Our daily devotionals, guided biblical meditations, and Bible-based sleep stories exist to help you experience the peace of Christ as you grow deeper in your relationship with Him. Use this link to receive 25% off a premium subscription.
Remember that God loves you whether you keep your resolutions or not. You are His child. Walk in the victory that is already yours in Jesus.
Stephanie Reeves is a writer and the senior editor of Abide.