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The last 6 months have been full of disappointment for me. I guess when you don’t live alone in a cave with only God as your companion, that can happen. Anytime you do anything that deals with other people, you’re going to be disappointed at some point. You can even be disappointed with yourself. You can even be disappointed with God. Since we were made for community, pray a prayer for when you’re disappointed and keep your heart from growing hard toward others—and God.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28 (New International Version)
Dear Lord, sometimes it feels like the hits just keep on coming. One after another I am disappointed by people. And it hurts. I know that You know how it feels. You must have been very disappointed when Your disciples all abandoned You after You were arrested. And so I bring my heart to You today. Will You help it remain soft?
I don’t want to become hard hearted. I know that I disappoint people too, even though I really try not to! But the hurt is real. The sadness I feel is real. But I still want to love people well. Remind me that grace covers a multitude of sins. I don’t want people to become hard-hearted toward me when I let them down, so I must not become hard-hearted toward them either.
And when I’m disappointed that You don’t answer my prayers the way I want You to, or You don’t work something out the way I think You should, remind me of Romans 8:28. I know that You are good and that You always work for my good. You see the big picture and I have such limited sight.
Help me not to put my faith in people, who don’t always have the best intentions, but to trust You with every detail, with every relationship, and with every circumstance in my life. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Now listen to a sample of this meditation from Abide based on 1 Timothy 4:15-16 about being disappointed with people.
Keep this prayer when you’re disappointed at hand, making it personal to your situation, whenever you feel disappointment with anything. Which will probably be often! For more prayers, daily devotionals, guided meditations, and Bible-based sleep stories, download the Abide app. Even a few minutes reflecting on God’s Word can help set your heart back on course. Receive 25% off a premium subscription with this link.
Stephanie Reeves is a writer and the senior editor for Abide.