A baseball player stands in the outfield with his bat on his shoulder, tired during a game that went into extra innings.

Extra Innings: A Daily Meditation 

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Life presents us with trials that sometimes seem never-ending. Do we stumble under the weight of these challenges or like a championship baseball team in extra innings, do we hunker down, determined to win the game? The Christians during the first century understood this struggle all too well as they suffered for their faith. 

In the midst of suffering, Peter’s message to them in 1 Peter 5:10 resonates:

“In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation.”

1 Peter 5:10, New Living Translation

This reminder urges us to surrender our troubles to God, knowing that trials are fleeting and that we emerge from them stronger. 

Just as athletes hone their skills under pressure, our faith can grow through adversity. God encourages us not to lose hope but to embrace His presence and rely on His grace during both good and trying times. Confessing our sins and trusting in God’s promise of restoration can bring renewal and resilience. 

While life’s challenges may feel unending, like an extra-innings game stretching into the 18th, 19th, 20th inning, they will eventually give way to the warmth of spring. Peter assures us that suffering is temporary and that God will rebuild us stronger than before. By focusing on God’s promises and leaning on fellow believers for support, we find encouragement and strength to keep going. 

Looking beyond our current struggles to the eternal promises of God can shift our perspectives and offer hope. Despite the attacks of adversity by Satan, our adversary, God stands as our protector and guide, ready to comfort us in His love. Through worship and gratitude, we recognize His power and purpose in our lives, even when things seem impossible. 

In moments of fatigue and doubt, remember that God’s strength is at work within you, transforming temporary struggles into lasting growth. As we reflect on God’s love and power, we find solace and perseverance in knowing that our trials, though difficult, are leading us to a greater purpose. Take these moments to thank God and dwell in His unwavering care, knowing that endurance and renewal are just around the corner. 

Dear Father: You are the creator of everything that is good. You rescued me. And your Word says You will restore and strengthen me when life’s trials feel like they’re going into extra innings. Thank You. I ask that You will give me hope and joy. Surround me with Your presence. Open my eyes to the blessings all around me. I love You, Lord. It’s in Christ’s name I pray. Amen.

Listen now to the short version of this Abide meditation, “Extra Innings,” based on 1 Peter 5:10. Let God speak to you about the strength He gives when life feels like it’s going into extra innings.

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