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Night often brings out anxiety more strongly than in the light of the day. Jeanette and Kevin Levellie discovered that their kids’ anxieties could be soothed with a special lullaby that Kevin wrote for them with inspiration from Psalm 91. Jeanette tells their story about how they help others find peace over night anxiety through Kevin’s song.

Psalm 91, one of my favorite psalms, has been called a “911” call to God. In North America, when we have an emergency and need immediate help, we grab a phone and dial those three life-saving digits, 911. We know that, shortly, help will be on the way. For me, as I know has been true for Christians throughout the ages, Psalm 91 is where I run when I need immediate assistance, protection, and love from God.
It’s no surprise, then, that Psalm 91 was part of my husband Kevin’s and my strategy when our children needed comfort when they were young. Like all kids, sometimes they would wake in the night after having a bad dream. When they did, through Psalm 91, God came to the rescue.
The Gift of Music
In addition to his gifts of teaching and preaching, Kevin also composes music. He’s written more than 2,000 songs, some of which are simply stunning. But his composition “The Stillness of the Night” is a once-in-a-lifetime song, anointed with Jesus’s heart of care for His lambs. And it’s based on Psalm 91.
Here are the lyrics:
The stillness of the night, a message from Him brings,
for He who keeps His own will not be found asleep.
The fear that flies by day, the terror sped by night,
will find an even stronger One holds me within His might.
My pillow’s in His hand, I’m covered with His love,
Our house is made secure; He calms me with His touch.
The beating of His heart lies close upon my ear,
The presence of His comfort stays; I know to Him I’m dear.
Kev and I recorded this lullaby and played it for our children when they had trouble sleeping or just before they went to bed. On the recording, between its two verses of lyrics, I recite Psalm 91 in its entirety. More times than I can count, Jesus used Kevin’s sweet lyrics, God’s powerful Word, and the tranquil melody to calm and reassure our children.
Psalm 91 Song Helping Kids Find Peace Over Night Anxiety
“The Stillness of the Night” has comforted children other than our own too. Kev took the recording to a Christian camp one summer when he served on staff as a counselor. Late one night when he was attempting to quiet down his ten squirrely campers, a counselor from the girls’ camp knocked on the door requesting help. One of the girls in her cabin was feeling upset. Nothing seemed to comfort her. The counselor asked if Kevin would come with her and try to help?

Leaving another counselor in charge of his cabin, Kevin headed across the campgrounds with the young lady, his recording of “The Stillness of the Night” in hand. When the two arrived at the cabin, Kevin prayed for the girls and then played the recording. The campers in the cabin listened, their attention focused, their breathing calmer by the second. In the middle of the second time hearing the lullaby, the girl who’d had such a tough night fell fast asleep. Jesus had done it again.
God created music to serve as a conduit of His power. The combination of music and God’s Word infuses truth into our minds and hearts. Our fears or anxiety are no match for Jesus’s strength and love. When I’m tempted to worry, listening to music based on Scripture helps replace my fears with faith. It reminds me that Jesus will never leave me and that I can rest underneath His protective wings.
Listen now to this snippet from an Abide sleep story based on Psalm 91.
Abide can help you find peace over night anxiety with more than 400 Bible-based sleep stories like the one above, daily devotionals, and guided meditations on God’s Word. Download the Abide app and start a premium subscription. Our entire library of content exists to help you experience the peace of Christ instead of night anxiety. Use this link for 25% off.