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In a world where questions about the divine often lead to more queries than answers, the story of Moses and the burning bush offers a profound insight into the nature of God. In the encounter between Moses and God in Exodus 3:14 we get an amazing statement from God Himself:
“God said to Moses, ‘I am who I am.’ He said further, ‘Thus you shall say to the Israelites, “I am has sent me to you.”’”
Exodus 3:14
This narrative not only showcases God’s omnipotence but also His intimate relationship with His people. It underscores the reality that God, the great I Am, is beyond comparison, existing independently of any other entity. This revelation to Moses isn’t just a theological statement; it’s a personal assurance of God’s presence and commitment to liberation and love.
The account of Moses at the burning bush serves as an invitation to each of us to recognize that we, too, stand on holy ground in our spiritual journey. Like Moses, we may experience fear, uncertainty, and awe as we approach God, but the message remains clear: God is all that we need. In moments of doubt or when searching for ways to articulate our faith, we can find comfort and strength in the knowledge that God has already provided the answer through His self-revelation.
Jehovah—Lord Most High—God of our ancestors—thank You for revealing Yourself to us. Thank You for calling us to lives of freedom, and for calling us to participate in the work of bringing liberation to those who are held captive to sin. Thank you for promising to be with us as we follow You. Truly, You have no equal in heaven or on Earth, and all honor and glory are Yours. We praise You, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today, embrace the wisdom given to you. Move forward in your calling, using what you have learned for the cause of freedom and love.
Listen now to the 2-minute version of the Abide meditation, “The Great I Am,” from Exodus 3:14. Let God speak to you through it. To hear the full-length version of this meditation—and gain access to more than 1500 other daily meditations—download the Abide app. After you start a premium subscription, all content will be available to you 24/7. Use this link for 25% off.