A young woman in a blue hoodie is experiencing God with all her sense on a mountain by a lake.

Touch, Taste, See: Experiencing God through Our Senses 

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I rush a lot—through daily appointments and to kids’ ball games and concerts. And while I live in one of the most beautiful places on Earth—the Sierra Valley of California—I often rush along the highway to the next to-do on my list. 

So I found a recent course assignment a bit tough: “Get away in nature and experience the gifts God has given you.” Honestly, I groaned with the thought of slowing down—even for just a single hour. But as it turns out, I truly experienced God’s gift of creation and felt His presence with me, as well as greater understanding of His work in me.  

  • As I watched and listened to the mountain creek throwing itself over the rocks, I suddenly understood that I can de-plug for an hour and life will still find its way through the crevices of my schedule.  
  • The symmetry of the Ponderosa pines and aspen trees reminded me that my life also should have balance: work and rest  
  • I shivered a bit in the shade of the mountain, so I moved into the sunshine. Move from the shade of your troubles into the light, I sensed God teaching me.  

God’s Word teaches us to experience Him with all our five senses: touch, taste, sight, hearing, and smell. And there are simple ways we can experience Him with just a little heightened sensory awareness. 


When the bleeding, weak woman saw Jesus walking through the crowd, she said, “If I only touch his cloak, I will be healed” (Matthew 9:21 NIV). As she touched the hem of His garment, Jesus felt her presence, turned, saw her, and said, “Take heart, daughter . . . your faith has healed you” (Matthew 9:22, NIV). The Lord’s gift of touch aids in our experiencing God: 

  • Imagine God’s embrace as you slip into a warm bath. 
  • Touch the soft skin of a baby and be reminded of the intricacy of God’s greatest creation. 
  • Knead bread dough and allow tension to release through your fingertips. Allow the sense of God’s strength to rise in you too. 


Despite his struggles King David wrote, “Taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8, NIV). When we slow down our meals instead of rushing through them, we can enjoy experiencing God and His delightful gift of taste!  

  • Remember the Lord’s nearness through good times and bad when you enjoy the melding of the sweetness of some fruits with the sourness of others.  
  • Allow the richness of spices and herbs to inspire you to appreciate all the different ways God has brought wonderful surprises into your life.  
  • Invite the Holy Spirit’s sweet presence into your mealtime as you savor ice cream or chocolate. God’s presence is sweet, not burdensome. Enjoy Him! 
A young woman savors the taste of delicious food as she learns about experiencing God through her senses.


When I slow down to look at the mountain valley where I live, I sense God’s pleasure and enjoyment, expressed here by the psalmist: “He covers the sky with clouds; he supplies the earth with rain and makes grass grow on the hills (Psalm 147:8, NIV). Just as we learn much about artists from looking at their paintings, we can experience God’s creativity in the natural details around us.  

  • Find shapes in the clouds and have a good belly laugh. 
  • Notice the subtle palette of greens in a park or nearby landscape.  
  • Take in the details of flowering plants. 

God didn’t have to make the varied landscapes of our lives beautiful. But He did! And as we soak up His creation, we can also appreciate His love for us. 


Psalm 150:6 (NIV) reads, “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.” and the psalmist earlier encouraged worship through all kinds of musical instruments. When we get away into the stillness of God’s creation, we find that it isn’t so quiet. Here are ways to train our ears: 

  • Listen to the nighttime voices: cicadas, crickets, bullfrogs, and owls. Recall that God created each unique sound. 
  • Pause for the rustle of trees as wind picks up and swishes branches. 
  • Listen for children’s voices laughing, sharing excitement, and even sobbing. God’s fingerprints are in every voice.  


Our strongest memories are tied to the sense of smell. We remember scents of our grandmother’s perfume and just-baked bread. And perhaps we can imagine Jesus recalling the scent of Mary of Bethany’s expensive perfume she poured on His head—even in darker days ahead (Mark 14:3-9). Scents can also draw us to God. 

  • Appreciate God’s refreshment just after a rain. 
  • Breathe in the sweetness of fall fruit ripening on apple trees. 
  • Bring spring flowers into your home. 

Listen now to a short segment of an Abide meditation based on Psalm 34:8. Let the words speak to your heart about experiencing God through your senses.

Opening our senses to God’s creation truly can help us sense His love for, faithfulness to, and pleasure in us.  

For more help to experience God more fully every day, check out the Abide app. Our 1500+ biblical meditations all exist to help you grow closer to God. Use this link for 25% off a premium subscription, giving you access to our entire library of content.  

Janet is a national speaker and the author of 26 books—including the bestselling PrayerWalk and her newest, Praying Personalities: Finding Your Natural Prayer Style. For more than 40 years, she and her husband, Craig, raised their four kids in the Sierra Valley of California where Craig is a cattle rancher.