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I’ve learned some things about rest recently. I’ve learned that “rest” doesn’t always mean sitting and doing nothing. In fact, I would think it rarely means sitting and doing nothing. To me, that’s not restful. It might give me body a break, but it’s not restful for my soul. Sometimes being with close friends bring rest to my soul after a busy season. Or being creative—which can mean way different things to different people. Join me in a morning prayer for rest to ask God to sort out what rest looks like for you.
The apostles returned to Jesus from their ministry tour and told him all they had done and what they had taught. Then Jesus said, “Let’s go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile” (Mark 6:30-31).

Lord, I just woke up—but I’m so tired. Every day I just seem to be … tired. Even when I get enough hours of sleep, eat well, get enough exercise, I just feel weary. My guess would be that it’s a soul-problem at the root, not just a physical issue. I need your help to figure it out.
Help me to see your definition of rest. Your Word says that if I come to you if I’m weary, I will find rest for my soul. You don’t burden me with heavy rules and requirements. You simply want me to abide in you. When I do that, I learn your heart. Then I can do only those things that you want me to do.
Father, it’s just that there are so many things pulling at me. So many people who want my time and energy. My kids, my spouse, my job, my church. And none of those are bad! Teach me how to have balance like Jesus did. He often went away to a quiet place to just be with you. I want that more than anything. Lord, help me to understand that I don’t need to be all things to all people. I’m not their savior—you are.
So help me find my rest in you. Help me to pay attention to my soul as well as my body. Help me to hear your gentle voice above all the others that clamor for my attention. You will show me those things you want me to do, and you will be right there beside me as I do them, giving me strength.
Thank you for your unfailing love and your deep and peaceful rest. Through your power and in your name I pray. Amen.
Now listen to this short devotional from Abide on find rest based on Mark 6:30-31.
If you feel like rest is alluding you, and you can’t seem to find time to just be with God, I invite you to take the Abide app with you wherever you go. You can find peace and rest while you wait in the car line, or in the waiting room before a doctor appointment, or wherever you are. Just a few minutes a day can help you find rest. Download the app and receive 25% off a premium subscription, giving you access to daily devotionals like the one above, guided meditations on Scripture, and Bible-based sleep stories that will lull you to sleep with stories from God’s Word.
When you struggle with weariness, pray this morning prayer for rest. Let God give you rest for your soul.
- A Morning Prayer About Loving God
- A Morning Prayer to Stop Worrying
- A Morning Prayer For Hope
- A Morning Prayer to Build Faith