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There is so much that can be said about struggling with your faith when hope seems out of reach. Figuring out how to hold on to that hope amidst doubt can seem like searching for a lifeline in a tempest. I have tried so many times to find ways to encourage faith when that helpless feeling takes over. But every time it just feels like empty words compared to the vast haze that seems to fog whatever future lies before me.
I find comfort in God’s Word, how He knows what lies before us. I know He can be trusted to guide me through the narrow gate, to guard me from evil, to write a story for me that will bring fulfillment and joy. A story that will bring me closer to Him every step of the way.
But sometimes, it can be so hard to feel all of that in the moment, when I can’t see the road ahead, and can’t seem to feel God’s hand beside mine, right there to grasp on to.
A Change of Perspective
Here is where I want to challenge us both to a change of perspective.
Imagine, for just a moment, pausing that feeling of being lost, hopeless, doubtful, panicked, and ambling. Then take a deep breath, and instead of clinging to that lingering dread, coax curiosity into your heart.
What do I mean by that? I mean just take a moment to pray, to ask God to help you feel kindness toward that scared and uncertain part of you that holds so tightly to doubt. Ask Him to help you look at it, at its center, and guide you toward finding what its roots may be.
Perhaps you’ll find disappointment in the Church, or maybe too many things seemingly going wrong at once. It could be that the last blow that came was the last you could take, and it sent you to your knees. Or perhaps, even, you are simply worn, and you can’t seem to take another step forward in faith. Your hold on hope keeps slipping.
It’s alright. Keep feeling that love and kindness toward that part of yourself, because the Lord does, and He is with you in all of it, no matter how alone you may feel. Be curious with yourself, allow yourself to ask questions and to wonder, “Why am I feeling this way? Why is it so hard for me to know how to hold on to hope in this moment?

Jesus Helps You Hold on to Hope
The more you begin to understand the cause of your doubt, the more you will be able to hand it over to Jesus. Understand it and understand that you are not alone in it. Not only is God with you, but so too are countless other people, dealing with the same struggles, feeling the same hopelessness, weathering the same storm.
God’s Word is the life preserver of hope cast out into your sea of doubt, and faith is what keeps you holding on to hope. Jesus stays by your side keeping your head above the water. With kind curiosity in your heart as you explore the parts of yourself that you may not want to look at, seek to better understand why these waves of doubt seek to pull you under. In this process, faith can grow stronger.
You are not alone. The Lord is pulling you in; reeling in the rope to draw you closer to Him. You just have to hold on.
You are not alone. Jesus is with you in the water, arm around your shoulders gripping tightly and urging you to keep going.
You are not alone. There are others in the water, with their own lines to safety, and you are all fighting. Perhaps you could fight together.
Now listen to a short segment of this Abide meditation based on Isaiah 40:28. Let God speak to your heart about how to hold on to hope.
A Prayer for You to Hold on to Hope
I’d like to pray for you now, for your journey to finding hope amidst the doubt:
Lord, be with this reader as they struggle to hang on to hope, the lifeline You have for them. Let Your Word and Your hope sink into their heart as they continue to keep their head above water. Help them be curious. Help them wonder “why?” and not feel like it’s a betrayal.
Faith ebbs and it flows, but it does not fade, not when we fight for it. So help them keep fighting. Help them remember to be kind toward the parts of themselves they do not necessarily like. Help them remember that You love them, every part of them. The parts that hurt, the parts that sting, the parts that doubt. Even the parts that want to give up altogether. Remind them You are with them, pulling them in, even when the storm seems like it may never end, like there is no hope of reaching safety. Thank you for being with them, Lord, and for sending your Son to keep them afloat. Amen.
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Morgan is a junior at the University of Central Florida where she is majoring in Creative Writing. She lives in Florida with her family and their two cats, Stella and Luna.