Having trouble getting a good night’s sleep? Download Abide for Christian sleep meditations that use calming techniques and Scripture verses framed in calming stories to lull you into a peaceful slumber.
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Has there ever been a harder job than being a mom? We’re on call 24/7 yet never receive a paycheck. Sleep is limited and emotional rest is often sacrificed. Some days, after sweeping up crushed Cheerios and spilled apple juice, after correcting homework and helping my kids through emotional landmines, I’m completely exhausted. Yet when it’s finally time to lay my head on my pillow, sleep eludes me. I am one sleep-deprived mom. Instead of rest, my mind is a whirlwind of worry, questions, insecurity, and what-ifs.
What if I can’t figure out how to reach my child?
What if things never get better?
What if all this stress makes me age prematurely?
What if my instincts are wrong?
Why do other moms seem to have it together?
God’s Intentions for Rest
Mommy-hood is hard and when we wrestle with anxiety, a sleep-deprived mom is the result–and that only makes the hard days worse.
Jesus never intended for us to live in a cycle of shame, guilt, and exhaustion. He died to free us from those things, and He desires for us to settle our minds and hearts in Him.
“I cried out to the Lord, and he answered me from his holy mountain. I lay down and slept, yet I woke up in safety, for the Lord was watching over me. (Psalm 3:4-5 NLT).
How do we go from a sleep-deprived mom to a refreshed, peace-filled mom?

From Sleep-deprived to Refreshed
1. Speak truth to yourself.
Instead of cluttering your mind with negativity like “I can’t do this,” “It’s just too hard,” or “These days will never get better,” replace them with the promises of God. The Lord is with me (Matthew 28:20). God will give me everything I need to raise these kids (2 Peter 1:3). He rejoices over me with singing (Zephaniah 3:17).
2. Seek God through prayer and Bible study.
When we saturate our day with prayer and God’s Word, our emotions are less easily triggered. It doesn’t mean the kids won’t scream, schedules won’t get hectic, or toddler fights won’t ensue, but what it does is soothe our weary thoughts and keeps our mind focused on the One who holds our children in His hands.
Use those car rides to pump out praise music. Listen to a Bible app on your phone. When your emotions threaten to suffocate you, breathe out a prayer. Give me wisdom, Lord. Fill my mouth and heart with your peace.
3. Avoid screens and caffeine before bed.
Nowadays, we know drinking coffee at 10 p.m. makes it hard to sleep, and staring blankly at our phone for hours leads to a restless night, but so few of us get rid of our favorite aggravators. Why? After a long day, we just want to feel good, not wallow in more “shoulds.” The problem is we turn to those things to soothe us instead of spending quiet time with Jesus. At His feet, fear has to flee—and those worries that keep us in their iron-clad grip melt away.
4. Create a personal prayer of surrender.
Each night before I snuggle down in bed, I repeat a prayer I wrote years ago. Lord, my husband is Yours. My children are Yours. My past, present, and tomorrow are Yours. Have Your perfect way in our lives.
This is an anxiety blocker. It’s a sweet way to release control to God’s hands. If I can trust Him with my eternity, I can trust Him with the here-and-now too.
Take a moment to listen to a brief segment of this Abide sleep story based on Exodus 14:14. Experience how a Bible-based sleep story can help you move from sleep-deprived to refreshed.
5. As you let day ease into night, picture your biggest concerns floating away.
Close your eyes and picture your biggest worry. Name it. The bully tormenting my daughter. The conflict with my co-workers. Money. That scary diagnosis. Whatever it is, imagine it as a big red balloon, slowly rising, growing bigger and bigger, and then, after a deep breath, picture yourself releasing it by the string until it floats away. Do this with every worry that shadows your days. As you imagine it disappearing, you can sleep knowing God never wanted you to hold it. It’s okay to let it go.
“Then Jesus said, ‘Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.’” (Matthew 11:28-30 NLT)
For more help to move from sleep-deprived mom to rested and refreshed mom, check out the Abide app. Our 400+ Bible-based sleep stories, like the one above, all exist to help you experience the peace of Christ and get better rest. Use this link for 25% off a premium subscription, giving you access to all our sleep stories plus much more.
Tara is an award-winning author and speaker, and she loves to write stories that help people break free from the lies they believe about themselves. Connect with her at www.TaraJohnsonStories.com
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