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I don’t consider myself a brave person. One time, at a lake party for our church’s kids ministry, my very adventurous eldest son convinced me to go off the rope swing over the lake. From a platform that was probably 50 feet high. I might be exaggerating, but not by much. While small children were gleefully flinging themselves off the dock on that swing and sailing through the air into the water, I stood petrified of stepping off the ledge. I did eventually muster the courage to do it, but once was enough for me! If you need more courage like I do, pray this morning prayer to be brave with me today.
“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”
2 Timothy 1:7

Dear God, I don’t want to live afraid. I don’t want to let my anxieties rule me, keeping me from stepping out in faith and doing what you want me to do. I want to be courageous! I know that being courageous doesn’t mean I’m never afraid, but it does mean that I don’t let my fear stop me.
Moses had the courage to face Pharoah. Peter had the courage to step out of the boat onto the sea. Paul had the courage to face down the authorities who were threatening him, even after he’d come near to death at their hands several times. Those situations could have ended in their deaths. Sometimes I’m just afraid to try something new.
So as the new day dawns, Lord, make me brave. With the power of the Holy Spirit in me, I can do anything you ask me to do. I can talk to that new person at church. I can interview for a new job. I can talk to my friend about the way they hurt me. I can end that relationship that is toxic to me. I can get through this health crisis.
Your Word says that you did not give me a spirit of fear, so help me not to let fear rule me. Help me to acknowledge when I am afraid, and then take that step through the power of the Holy Spirit that lives within me.
Thank you for your love and your faithfulness. I know that you are always with me, and so I shall not be afraid.
It’s in Jesus’s name that I pray. Amen.
Now listen to a sample of this guided meditation from Abide based on 2 Timothy 1:7.
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National Brave Day is a perfect time to pray a morning prayer to be brave, but it’s a good prayer for anytime you feel afraid. You’re not alone! Hide the Word of God in your heart to help you find your courage.
For More Prayers:
- A Morning Prayer to Overcome Fear
- A Morning Prayer to Cast Out Fear
- A Morning Prayer to Build Faith
- A Morning Prayer for Spiritual Strength
Stephanie Reeves is a writer and senior editor for Abide.